Healthwatch works with Ukrainian Support Group

Over recent months, Healthwatch Engagement Officer Mary Simpson has been engaging with Ukrainians and their host families to explain Healthwatch's role and to listen to their experiences of health and care services.

The St Peter's and St James' (SPSJ) Support Meeting for Ukrainians and their hosts meet regularly and it is a place where information is shared and support is given. Mary has become a regular attendee and as well as helping to explain how the health and care system works, she signposts people to support and helps with enquiries. 

Together with Sandra Zhukova the SPSJ Joint Ukrainian Lead Officer, they have produced a translated leaflet which features information, advice and tips on accessing health and care services. 

View the leaflet

Download a printable version of the leaflet.

There are lots of groups and agencies continuing to respond to the Ukraine war in Herefordshire. To find out about support in the county, you can visit the St Peters and St James' website: