1. Advice and Information -

    From 31 October 2023, GP surgeries must give patients online access to their new health record entries. Find out what information is in your record and how to access it.
  2. Report -

    ADHD is a disorder that is defined through analysis of behaviour. People with ADHD show a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with day-to-day functioning and/or development.

    We spoke to 18 individuals about their ADHD journey and 5 parents about their child's ADHD journey, looking at the wider impacts it has had on the individuals and their family.
  3. Report -

    Our quarter 3 Quarterly Report spans Oct - Dec'23.
  4. News -

    The team at Healthwatch Herefordshire have been shortlisted for a national award. The National Healthwatch Impact Award recognises outstanding examples of where the views of local people have been used to make positive changes to local NHS and social care services.
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    Herefordshire and Worcestershire's Health and Care NHS Trust are inviting people with an interest in Adult Mental Health Inpatient and Rehabilitation Services within Herefordshire or Worcestershire to attend an event to discuss the pathway.
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    ‘Share for Better Care’, a new campaign launched by Healthwatch to help address health inequalities across England.
  7. Advice and Information -

    Are you struggling to find an NHS dentist? The new dental recovery plan might help you get the dental care you need.
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    The new Talk Wellbeing Maylord Orchards Centre is offering booked and drop-in health checks in the centre of Hereford. Throughout the week, there will also be an array of local services offering advice and support to residents.
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    On behalf of Herefordshire General Practice, Taurus Healthcare who are involved in how the Out of Hours Urgent GP Service is delivered, is planning to move the service to a new location this autumn. Healthwatch Herefordshire will be undertaking public consultation to ensure any concerns are addressed.
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    Over recent months, Healthwatch Engagement Officer Mary Simpson has been engaging with Ukrainians and their host families to explain Healthwatch's role and to listen to their experiences of health and care services.
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    Living with a long term health condition can be difficult to manage in the community. If this is you, Healthwatch Herefordshire wants to hear from you. Share your experiences with us, what helps you the most and which services you would like to see available in your community.