Health checks and Covid vaccinations for those with a learning disability

Healthwatch Herefordshire wants to listen to the views of people with a learning disability. We particularly want to understand their views on annual health checks and Covid vaccinations.

Healthwatch is keen to understand what people like about health checks and what they feel could be improved. For those who have not had a health check, we are keen to identify the barriers that prevent them from doing so. This will enable us to feedback to surgeries so that where possible, recommended changes can be put in place. Annual health checks take around forty minutes and patients are eligible to have one even if they have recently visited the doctor for other reasons.

We are also keen to know the barriers to getting Covid vaccinations. We respect someone's choice not to get the vaccinations but if there are things that can help improve the understanding or experience of them, we'd like to know.

Mary, Healthwatch's Engagement Officer who will be working on this project. She will be hosting various drop in sessions that people can turn up to without an appointment to give their views. We will be releasing details of these drop in sessions soon.

Alternatively, people with a learning disabilities, or those who support people with a learning disability can contact Mary in any of the following ways to give their views:

By phone: 07925 88237

By email: