Living with ADHD in Herefordshire

ADHD is a disorder that is defined through analysis of behaviour. People with ADHD show a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with day-to-day functioning and/or development.

We spoke to 18 individuals about their ADHD journey and 5 parents about their child's ADHD journey, looking at the wider impacts it has had on the individuals and their family.

Every journey that we documented was unique; none of them could be described as easy or straightforward in getting referrals for diagnosis but some had been less traumatic than others. 

The key themes that came through regarding what would make a positive difference to those with ADHD were:

  •  Better understanding and reasonable adjustments from employers and professionals when going through diagnosis can be really helpful.
  • A platform for local networking where adults can meet others with ADHD to share their experiences and gain networks of like-minded people for peer support.
  • A local support service that provides advocacy & support for adults and older children with ADHD that can support them with occupational issues, routes into work and improving life skills to help them keep a routine with ‘life admin’ and studying.

In this report we provide 5 recommendations and outline our next steps.

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Read an ADHD case study

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